A lovely two-voice setting of the traditional Lauds text for the Immaculate Conception of the BVM. In this edition one finds the traditional plainchant in addition to Tombelle's rendering allowing for alternatim performance.
O Gloriosa Virginum | Tombelle | TB or SA w/ divisi a cappella | ca 3'
1 O Queen of all the Virgin choir,
Enthroned above the starry sky;
Who with pure milk from thy own breast
Thy own Creator didst supply.
2 What man hath lost in hapless Eve,
Thy sacred womb to man restores;
Thou to the sorrowing here beneath
Hast open’d Heaven’s eternal doors.
3 Hail, O refulgent Hall of light!
Hail, Gate sublime of Heaven’s high King!
Through thee redeem’d to endless life,
Thy praise let all the nations sing.
4 O Jesu! born of Virgin bright,
Immortal glory be to Thee;
Praise to the Father infinite,
And Holy Ghost eternally.