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St. Joseph the Worker Lauds Hymn (for 2 voices, a cappella)

Writer's picture: n. e. lemmen. e. lemme

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

This is a setting of the Lauds hymn for the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, May 1. It may be sung alternatim with the traditional Gregorian chant. St. Pius X says that a liturgy with only Gregorian chant in no way diminishes that liturgy's solemnity. I like to think that the monophonic lines of the chant contrasted with the polyphonic verses give the chant a more pointed silence that is conducive to prayer.

I've also set the original Maria Mater text to the same music. Find the St. Joseph score here and the Maria Mater here.


premiered May 19, 2018 Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary

Directed by the ever-trustworthy Joe Dalimata, FSSP, assistant polyphonic director of our OLGS Choir

Thanks to Rev. Ralph Oballo, FSSP for filming, and the OLGS Choir

TRANSLATION: O dawn announcing the sun Beginning the month of flowering; The workman's resounding hammer Salutes the home at Nazareth. Hail, head of the household Beneath whom is the supreme Artificer; Who, bedewed with salty sweat, Exercises his father's trade. He was placed on a high seat nearest to his Noble Spouse; be near now to all thy clients who are troubled by indigency. Strength and strife be absent! and all defrauding of wages; May copious nourishment of food be limited only by moderation. O Trinity, O Unity, by the prayers of Joseph; Direct in peace all our steps and our path. Amen. Translation:

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