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Lauda ánima mea | Qui Custódit veritátem (Offertory Verse for Easter III) for TTB or SSA a cappella

Writer: n. e. lemmen. e. lemme

Updated: Nov 19, 2024

This is the traditional Gregorian chant for the offertory of the third Sunday after Easter. The traditional verse (Qui custódit veritátem) has been set for TTB voices (01:19), in which the baritone line uses a Tone 4 psalm tone as its cantus firmus. The chant returns to the psallam Deo meo in keeping with the traditional form of the offertory as a responsory.

Offertorium (Corpus) anon: Graduale Romanum

Lauda ánima mea a Dóminum: laudábo Dóminum in vita mea: psállam Deo meo, quámdiu ero, alleluia.

(Versum) composer: Nicholas Lemme ( *1978)

Qui custódit veritátem in sáeculum: fáciens judícium injúrian patiéntibus: dat escam esuriéntibus.

Translation Praise the Lord, O my soul: I will praise the Lord in my life: I will sing a song to God as long as I shall be, alleluia. Who keepeth truth forever: Who executeth judgment for them that suffer wrong: Who giveth food to the hungry.

Recorded: Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary | Denton, NE May 2021


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