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Ave Maria...Quomodo in me fiet hoc Offertory Verse Motet (TTB a cap)

Writer: n. e. lemmen. e. lemme

Updated: Apr 4, 2024

Fourth Sunday of Advent Offertory Plainchant and Polyphonic Motet Verse starts @ 02:12  

Plainchant: Lk 1: 28, 42 Verses: Lk 1: 34

Plainchant: Anonymous | Verse: Nicholas Lemme

From Four Advent Motet Offertory Verses commissioned by by Russell and Charlotte Ostermann, for the Men's Schola of the Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Sioux Falls, SD under the direction of Jared Ostermann.

Rehearsal recorded (Dec. 14 2023) at the Chapel of Ss. Peter and Paul, Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary (FSSP), Denton, NE, USA. Many thanks to the singers: Rev. Mr. Jacob Kasak, Conan McGonagle, Kevin Zaporski, Andrew Daniels, and Matthew Davis. Premiered at St. Francis of Assisi Church Dec. 16, 2023 for a Rorate Mass. Kind thanks to singers Adam Schwend, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, Chris Hattrup, Matt Rauert, Ryan Yang, and Andrew Vinton.



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